Welcome to The Hub, a new physical space located in the center of Brussels at 18 St Gery, 1000 Brussels. We are dedicated to providing a wide range of sustainable products and fostering a community focused on sustainability, wellbeing, creativity, and mental health.

At Nátch Hub, you'll find a curated selection of sustainable products that reflect our passion for reducing waste and supporting eco-friendly practices.

But that's not all! The Hub is also a space to learn about zero waste living, DIY and art and crafts therapy. Whether you're an experienced artist or a newbie, you can unleash your creativity and find peace in the process. Our sessions offer a supportive environment for self-expression and personal growth.

Plus, The Hub is available for rent! It's the perfect spot for your events, whether you're planning a pop-up shop, a team-building activity, or a creative gathering. We've got you covered

Book your visit here.


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